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The Environment for Europe process

An information resource service supported by the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN)

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The “Environment for Europe” (EfE) process is a political process focusing on environmental protection and sustainable development in Europe. Environment Ministers and Heads of delegation from 51 countries in the UNECE region and the Representative of the European Commission stated in the 2007 Belgrade Environment for Europe Ministerial Declaration:

“We recognize the important value of the EfE process as a unique Pan-European forum for tackling our environmental challenges, and promoting broad horizontal environmental cooperation, as a pillar of sustainable development in the region. The EfE process is a valuable response to our common intention to improve the environment throughout our region contributing to sustainable development which may in turn contribute to poverty eradication improving quality of life and safer world.”

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This website aims at providing fast access to relevant information on the “Environment for Europe” process: with one or two mouse clicks only, you can easily access such information, download relevant documents and find external links. We are committed to provide information which is not biased and which is objective and up to date. Our goal is to make this website most useful and user friendly. Please send us your comments and feedback.

The website features information on the history of the “Environment for Europe” process, current mandates and organizational arrangements of implementing institutions, as well as summaries of completed and ongoing work implemented …

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